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© Josée Pellerin, Galerie B-312, exhibition "Les chemins de la digressions", 1999.

Josée Pellerin's work has been shown in solo exhibitions in Hull (Axe Neo-7, 1998), Saint-Jérome (Centre d'exposition du VieuxPalais, 1998), Sorel (Centre d'exposition du Gouverneur, 1997), Longueuil (Centre d'exposition Plein sud, 1996) and Montreal (Galerie Dare-Dare, 1992); she has also participated in several group exhibitions in Montreal (Centre des arts actuels Skol, 1999), France (Galerie des Beaux-Arts de Nantes, 1994) and Mexico (Museo Universitario del Chopo, 1992).


The status given to images in our societies today leads to certain questions. We experience the power of images. But on its methods of operation and on how it manages to attract and retain us, we may have less control. The image in the visual arts is often at the edge of the communicational logic and challenges this logic by showing us its failure, its shortcoming and obscurities. Working on appearances and their facticity, Josée Pellerin presents a series of paintings where photography and painting attempt to create a dialogue and show the place of their interference. By questioning the seductive power of the image, she seeks to reveal the process by which the image holds us captive. Using serialization as a mode of production and superimposition as a procedure of concealment, her paintings install this mobility, this relationship between layers of information where the object imposes its presence on us by its reiteration and where it also makes manifest its elusive character.

Josée Pellerin's work has been shown in solo exhibitions in Hull (Axe Neo-7, 1998), Saint-Jérome (Centre d'exposition du VieuxPalais, 1998), Sorel (Centre d'exposition du Gouverneur, 1997), Longueuil (Centre d'exposition Plein sud, 1996) and Montreal (Galerie Dare-Dare, 1992); she has also participated in several group exhibitions in Montreal (Centre des arts actuels Skol, 1999), France (Galerie des Beaux-Arts de Nantes, 1994) and Mexico (Museo Universitario del Chopo, 1992).