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Les jeudis tout ouïe


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© Catherine Savard-Massicotte, Dominic Gagnon, Éric Normand, P.O.W.E.R—Galerie B-312, 2006.

P.O.W.E.R is a trio formed by Éric Normand, Catherine Savard-Massicotte and Dominique Gagnon. P.O.W.E.R. makes sound dust. One that can only be seen in the light of a cathode-ray image. And it is from this invisible electricity that sound convergence is born.They play their instruments like some crazy gardeners grind the earth. Recursively and undisciplined. With unusual and decontextualized instruments. Televisions, telephone monitors, guitars, organs, electric violin (home made), radio, spy game, prepared effect pedals and bass, so many sounds to perceive. There are three of them, but for this album they invited Patrick-Guy Desjardins (guitar) and Robin Servant (microphones).

P.O.W.E.R will do its pre-launch of TOMAHAWK TERRITORY released on the label Tour de bras and distributed by DAME.