Christiane Patenaude profite d'une résidence libre à la Galerie B-312 pour revoir, mettre en relation et documenter plus d'une quinzaine d'oeuvres sculpturales, installées au mur, au sol ou suspendues dans l'espace.
Hosted by Monique Régimbald-Zeiber, this panel is an opportunity to think the symbolism of wandering and discovering in a creation context. Starting from their respective residences, the artists of La Track | The Track will comment on their experiences.
As part of La Track | The Track project, five American artists from Baltimore will be at Galerie B-312 for in situ and off-site residencies, culminating in two group exhibitions at the Institute of Contemporary Art Baltimore in November 2019 and at Galerie B-312 in February 2020.
We invite you to come and take a look at our latest workshop with the members of Action Centre-Ville. This season, it is the turn of Alexandre Jimenez and his collaborators to introduce the participants to contextual art and artistic collaboration.
We invite you to come and take a look at our last workshop with the members of Action Centre-Ville. This season, it is Guillaume Boudrias-Plouffe’s turn to invite a dozen of participants to explore contemporary art through assemblage of objects and performance.
We invite you to come and take a look at our latest workshop with the members of Action centre-Ville. This season, Caroline Boileau introduced the participants to performance approach and contexts.
Academics, artists and members of Hexagram | CIAM participating in this two-part international seminar will question the forces of transformation occurring at the limits of matter, be they physical, residual, biological or electronic.
We are invited to the Jeudi tout ouïe event but there you go, there will be walls everywhere. And we cannot pierce them, nor shoot them down. It's very annoying. Since we know this, a question has becom important to us : how does sound work ?
Galerie B-312 is pleased to invite you to participate in our pet friendly piñata gallery: a huge piñata filled with a hundred visual, sound and literary works.
The explosion of the repertoire and the musical genre connected to the guitar, the deconstruction of the instrument itself, are at the heart of L'Hexacorde's artistic approach: they rearrange works originally created for other instruments.
Coming from a visual arts background, Monday Morning Erection members compose non-figurative sound tableaux and opt for improvisation.
These three young musicians throw themselves with pleasure into Galerie B-312's space, surprisingly combining improvisation with composition.
A presentation of l’Espace Vidéographe. A video programming composed of Finnish works from the artist-run centre AV-ARKKI. In presence of the curator Stéphanie Morissette.
After having animated for several years a radio show of hip hop and electronic music on cism, Ghislain Poirier turns to the creation of minimal techno sounds. He explores hip hop in an original way by deconstructing it and adding a touch of experimentalism with his raw rhythms.
Galerie B-312 has always taken the liberty of exceeding this mandate by disseminating the results of research by artists working in other fields. Today, we are pleased to announce the programming of a series of musical performances.
With this theatrical diptych, Olibrius opens a space between theatre and performance where, to serve Bataille's text, the actor first tests the resistance of his body in immobility; an immobility around which the whole event is structured.
Mathieu Beauséjour, Monique Lévesque and Daniel Poulin kindly accepted to talk about the effects that the figure of the virus has awakened in them from the place of their respective disciplines, artistic practice, psychoanalysis and computer science.