A meeting with participants in the Deux par Deux | Exposition Buissonnière project in collaboration with the Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal.
Join us for this video-discussion on this innovative curatorial project involving the Arprim, B-312, Circa and Skol centers and Drummondville's Galerie d'art Desjardins. With the participation of guests Marthe Carrier, Stéphanie Chabot, Emmanuelle Choquette and Émilie Granjon, and hosts Maude Hénaire and Marie-Pierre Simoneau.
Academics, artists and members of Hexagram | CIAM participating in this two-part international seminar will question the forces of transformation occurring at the limits of matter, be they physical, residual, biological or electronic.
Isabelle Hayeur is concerned about the environment, the urban development and the social conditions. Through photography and video, she questions the ambivalence of our relationship to the changing world.
Galerie B-312 is pleased to invite you to participate in our pet friendly piñata gallery: a huge piñata filled with a hundred visual, sound and literary works.
For the last Jeudi tout ouïe of the season, Galerie B-312 invites you to an evening of improvised music. During this extraordinary evening, Catherine Jauniaux, the "human sampler", will make her vocal machine work while Joane Hétu will play her vocal cords or her alto sax.
A presentation of l’Espace Vidéographe. A video programming composed of Finnish works from the artist-run centre AV-ARKKI. In presence of the curator Stéphanie Morissette.
Joane Hétu and Jean Derome are the members of the duo Nous perçons les oreilles. Both musicians play alto saxo, and both sing. Then begins the improvisation, one taking over from the other, on voice, on sax, on sax, on voice.
D’une manière ou d’une autre, an encounter with Elisabeth Hautmann, Bettina Hoffmann, Andrea Rostásy and Marcus Weber, four Berlin artists whose work are presented at Galerie B-312 as part of the exhibition Sans souci.
Hiatus is organized as a laboratory for creation and experimentation. Their encounters have generated music in a variety of forms, ranging from classical ensemble music to improvisation.
Rachel Echenberg, invited Sylvie Cotton, Adad Hannah, Flutura and Besnik Haxhillari, Alana Riley and Victoria Stanton to intervene in Alphonse-Télesphore-Lépine Park located at the corner of Fairmount and de Gaspé Streets.
The group's repertoire includes pieces by John Cage, Francis Marcoux, Éric Satie, Andrew Senior and Claude Vivier, among others.