EVENT CANCELED : SéminArts hors-série

EVENT CANCELED : SéminArts hors-série

Living with an art work at home

Event organized by the MACM in collaboration with Galerie B-312

  • Discussion en ligne
SéminArts hors-série MACM—Galerie B-312

Ji-Yoon Han, independent curator


Michel Boulanger, artist
Pascale Beaudet, host and independent curator
Isabelle Boulais, host and 
medical specialist
Marthe Carrier, 
Director at Galerie B-312

9 June 2021
19 h - 21 h

How do you integrate a work of art into your home? How do we interact with it on a daily basis? What kind of interactions are generated? As part of Séminats hors-série, meet and discuss with some of the participants Deux par Deux | Exposition Buissonnière. An original form of disseminating contemporary art conceived in the context of the pandemic, Deux par Deux brings together twenty artists and twenty hosts. Twenty works installed in as many private locations. 

More information on the Deux par Deux project